The treatment should be started with this remedy. One dose of 200 dilution may be given and should, after 4 hours, be followed by other indicated remedies mentioned below.Belladonna
Most violent delirium. The patient is furious, he strikes, bites, tries to escape, and, if opposed, fights like a demon. Throat dry, red, glazed and painful. Aggravation from cough, light and jar. A remedy for the first stage.Stramonium
The same symptoms as in Bell, but in a milder form. Stramonium has an aggravation from not only attempting to drink but even from the sight of water. It is the characteristic symptom of this medicine. A low muttering delirum. A remedy for the second stage. Hydrophobia due to the bite of rabid animals.Hyoscyamus
When there is persistent insomnia and constant choreic movements of the muscles of the throat.Cantharis
Furious delirium; frenzy: excitement. Furious paroxysms of rage; barking; anxious; restlessness ending in rage, acute mania; all aggravated by touching the larynx and drinking cold water. Swallowing difficult; constriction with pain; burning, dryness. High fever.
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