(See also "NEURALGIA"and "MIGRAINE")
Throbbing and bursting headache in temples with fiery red and hot face. Eyes bloodshot and red. Face flushed. The pains disappear as suddenly as they appear. Sun headache with full bounding pulse. Unconsciousness.Gelsemium
Pains beginning in the nape of neck and shift over to head, causing a bursting sensation in the forehead and eye-balls. Feels as if head is full and big. Unconsciousness. As if there is a band around the head.Glonoine
Headache due to working under gas-light, in the sun when heat fails on the head. Head feels enormously large. Sun-stroke and sun headache without unconsciousness. Better by cold application or by keeping head high or from long sleep but not by taking a nap which sometimes aggravates. Violent headache and wants to jump from the window on that account.Natrum Mur
When the headache increases with the rise of the sun and stops at sun-set. Headache with sweat. The greater the pain the greater the sweat. Headache of school girls or boys, worse on eye straining. Fiery zigzag before headache. Hammering headache as if hammers are knocking the head. Bursting, compressing as if in a vice, as if the skull would be crushed in. Headache due to disturbance of vision.Spigelia
Nervous headache beginning in the morning at base of brain, spreading over the head and locating in eye orbit and temple of left side. Intolerable pressive pain in the eye balls. Tic douloureux of left side. Pain disappears in the evening. Sensation as though the head were bound around the vertex.Natrum Phos
Headache at menstrual period with flow thick, clotted, dark lasting only for a day. Gall stone colic. Cold feet. Impulse to commit suicide.Sanguinaria C
For the same symptoms as in "Spigelia", except that it is a right-sided remedy. Billious headache when going without food. Veins and temples distented. Headache once in seven days, begins on waking in the morning in occiput and travels to the. right eye and temple; the patient is driven into a dark room and has to lie down, starts vomiting bile which relieves him. Heat in palms and soles. Bursting headache worse with sun iise. Has false hunger with aversion to thought *nd smell of food.Platina
Tic Douloureux. Pain extends backward from right eye which is injected and waters freely. Give in 1000 dilution.Cedron.
Severe unbearable pain recurring daily at 6 p.m. Tic douloureux.Bryonia
Headache when stooping as if brain would burst through forehead. Worse on motion. Headache brought on by playing or watching the play.Melilotus
Violent congestive and nervous headache wnich is relieved by epistaxis (bleeding from the nose). Congestive headache as though the brain would burst through the forehead.Collinsonia
If accompanied by piles and constipation.China Off
Headache, congestive, throbbing and hammering like on temples; worse by slightest contact and better by hard pressure.Kali Bi
If headache begins with blurred vision. Sight returns as headache increases.Kali Cyan
After full meals.Kali Carb
Headache comes on when the discharge ceases from taking cold and it is relieved when the discharge is re-established.Lac Vac
Headache with nausea and constipation or at the time of menstruation; relieved by frequent urination.Lithium Carb
When headache is relieved by eating.Ruta
Brought on by reading and eye-strain. Head remedy for eye-strain.Oleander
As if heavy weight is put on the scalp which is crushing the head; better by looking side-ways or crossing eyes.Arnica M
When trauma (injury) is the cause, pain, aching, bruised, occasionally sharp, as if nails were being driven into the brain; mental confusion. Aching pain is aggravated by rinsing the head and is relieved by having the head elevated.Hypericum
Headache due to injury on the spine. It is complementary to Arnica and removes hyper-sensitiveness after Arnica has controlled the congestion and the bruised condition.Nux Vomica
Headache due to indulging in alcoholic and other stimulants. It has aching pain as if beaten; tensive; heavy; dull; confused; dizzy; sinking and bruised with associated symptoms of nausea and vomiting of sour and nasty matter. Ineffectual urging for stool. Headache better in the evening.Chamomilla
Headache with peevishness. The patient is cross and angry. This headache occurs normally in patients who use alcohol in excess and take opium to counteract its effect or who take strong coffee to quieten the nerves.Chininum Sul
Headache due to abuse of quinine with ringing, buzzing, roaring in both ears. Violent pulsating pains is the forehead and eyes. Give in 1000 dilution.Kali Mur
This is another remedy for abuse of quinine when Chin. Sul. fails. It has noises in the head like chirping of crickets (Grass insects). Give in 1000 dilution,Iodium
Headache as if tied up with a band, worse by going into the warm room or near fire. Better in cold room and in cold air and while eating.Paris Quadrifolia
Sense of expansion of head with headache from spinal origin.Phytolacca
With increased sense of hearing.Calcarea Phos
Headache of school girls and boys who apply themselves too closely to their books especially children who are growing rapidly and whose mental development is out of proportion to their physical strength.Thuja
Headache as if a nail were driven into the occiput or into the frontal eminence.Coffea
Headache as if nail driven into the occiput.Picric Acid
On slightest mental exertion due to softening of the .brain. Headache in school children after reading or after examination. Student's headache.Robinia
Bilious headache with gastric symptoms, pain in stomach, sour vomiting and acidity. Feels as if the head is full of boiling water.Chloralum
Terrific, dull, heavy, frontal headache of several davs duration.Tarentula Hispania
As if thousand needles were pricking in head; worse by noise, touch and strong light. Better by rubbing.Lac Defl
Sick headache begins in forehead extending to occiput with throbbing, nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation, at the time of menses; relieved by frequent urination.Veratrum Alb
Nervous headache with vanishing of sight and icy cold sensation in vertex better by cold application. (Give 200 potency). Headache that changes the face almost inducing insanity.Viola Odorata
Headache begins suddenly without apparent cause with defective vision.Chionanthus
Specific for sick headaches. Listless and apathetic. Dull frontal headache over root of nose, over eyes, through temples, worse stooping and moving. Use mother tincture.Pothos
For hysteric headaches.Allium Sat
Headache better on onset of menses, worse thereafter.Calcarea Acet
Stupefying pressive pains in forehead. Had to stop work and did not know where he was.Epiphegus
Nervous headache with characteristic symptom of spitting constantly, saliva viscid. Headache preceded by hunger.Ignatia
Nervous headache after grief. Terminates with a profuse flow of urine. Headache in hysteria. Pain as if a needle or nail was driven into the head.Lobelia Infl
Headache meningitic. Give in IX dilution two or three drops a dose every two hours, six times daily.Lycopodium
Relieved by uncovering.Aurum Met
Maddening headache as if air was blowing upon him athough he finds no draught. Extremely sensitive to cold. Wants to wrap up her head.Silicea
Headache relieved by wrapping and covering. Worse in the dark and better in light. Nervous headache caused by extensive study at school.Onosmodium
Due to strain, or eye strain; vertigo; nervous headache, neurasthenia.Actea R
Frontal, vertical or occipital headache with great pains in eyeballs, better by pressure and worse by slightest motion.Nux Moschata
Eating a little too much causes headache.Pulsatilla
Headache due to taking ice cream. Gastric headache. Worse by warmth.Sepia
Headache, darting pains, right side head and face rolling and beating against frontal bone; darting and tearing pain in left temple, over left eye extending towards occiput. Headache on vertex, throbbing, feels as though head would open on top, worse from noise. Aversion to food of any kind with feeling of emptiness and g006Fnenss sensation in stomach. Better after meals and relieved completely by sleep.Tuberculinum
Headache in persons with tubercular history in family. The character of pain is as if he had a tight hoop of iron round the head, a distressing sensation of damp clothes on his spine.Aurum Ars
Headache with icy cold hands, legs and feet.Staphisagria
Headache after eating beef. Headache with roaring in ears. Aching stupefying pain in head, especially forehead. Pains are pressing inwards and outwards; they are increased on slightest touch.Calcarea Iod
Pain in the head; binding up the hair makes the pain worse.Crotalus Hor
Sick headache, vomiting of bile in large quantities. Cannot lie on right side or on back without producing black bilious vomiting.Anacardium
Headache relieved entirely by eating; worse during motion and working. Gastric and nervous headaches.Chelidonium
Severe frantic headache that make the patient to chop off her hands.Cocculus
Pain in the back of the head, as if the parts were alternately opening and closing. Headache comes on like a shadow. Can hear what is going on whilst asleep, even snoring. Nervous headache with giddiness, nausea and vertigo. Holds the nape of the neck firmly with hands owing to the severity of the pain.Ptelia T
Bilious headaches with burning sensation of skin, face, even breath that burns the nostrils.Iris Ver
Bilious headache with burning and acidity. Throbbing and severe pain causes disturbance of vision. Pain is relieved byvomiting which is bitter.Psorinum
Headache due to hunger, wants to eat but cannot get enough.Alumina Silicate
Headache worse by binding the hair; biting the teeth together; before and during menses; stepping heavily; better by cold air and cold application, from binding up the head, moving the head and from walking.Phellandrium
Pain as though a Weight were on the top of the head.Cannabis Ind
Sensation as if head were opening and shutting along the vertex.Badiaga
Severe headache between 2 and 7 P.M. Vertigo. Fullness of head. Worse cold; better by heat.Kalmia Latifolia
Headache of occur; sunrise to sunset. Worse stooping. Vertigo and ionfusion.Jaborandi
Headache everyday at noon. Nausea. Hot flushes and perspiration.Natrom Sulphuricum
Basal headache as if crushed. Mental trouble from injuries to held. Vertigo. Stiches in ears. Boring in temples. Worse music and damp weather.Selenium
Headache caused by ndulgence in alcohol or in tea, by hot weather, by over study and aggravated by strong odours. Increased flow of urine during headaches.Podophylium
When headache alternates with diarrhoea.Plumbum
Frontal or occipital headache, usually with colic and bilious vomiting especially when, with the headache, there is a sensation of a ball rising from throat to head.Phosphorus
Headache relieved by cold application and aggravated in warm room and by warm application. Sense of coldness in the base of the brain.Petroleum
Occipital headache of obstinate nature with nausea and vomiting.Lachesis.
Violent headache during the menstrual period, specially at the time when the flow slackens Headache, like the menstrual pain, is relieved by the flow. Bursting and hammering headache with blood rushing to the headConium
Headache and vertigo brought on by alcoholic drinks. Sick headache brought on by seeing rapidly moving things.Alumina
Headaches with nausea and vomiting. Headaches due to catching cold, nose dry and stuffed. Large green offensive crusts in the nose; watery discharge with pain in forehead over the eyes.Cistus Can
Headache aggravated by cold sweat on the forehead. The more he sweats, the colder he gets with aggravation in headache. Relieved by eating.Calcarea Ars
The peculiarity in this remedy is that the pain moves from the side lain on and goes to the side not lain on and the patient continues changing position.Ambra Grisea
Headache pressing downward and the tearing pain starts from the temples. Headache when blowing nose; burning in the right eye and the eyelids. Aggravation after eating.Fluoric Acid
Headache due to non-attendance to the desire to urinate.Agaricus Mus
Due to scanty urine and constipation; relieved by stool. Intermittent, drawing and tearing pain in the forehead.Alumen
Pain at the top of the head with burning like fire and it presses as if the skull would be crushed in. It is relieved by hard pressure and icy cold application.Ammonia Carb
Neuralgic and rheumatic pains in the head. Tearing in temples.Bovista
Pain deep in the. brain with feeling as if head is swollen and enormously large associated with deranged menses and palpitation of heart which also seems enlarged.Calcarea Carb
Chronic headache in fatty persons with tendency to sweating of the face, fey coldness of the head and clamminess of extremities.Lycopersicum
Very severe nervous headache all over the head but settling in back of eyes and temples with great force. Complete relief from tobacco smoke, in warm room or by external heat.
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