(Disease of the nerves attended with involuntary twitchings)
(See also "HYSTERIA")
Chorea due to fright, threat, punishment, or bad news. After grief or after emotion. Tingling in limbs, pain in joints. Obstinate and irritable.Cuprum Met
After seeing a child in convulsion creeping under table. Choreic movement starts in fingers and toes and extends to limbs. Better during sleep, but when awake terrible contortions and awkward movements start again.Stramonium
Chorea preceded by inclination to weep, with laughing and sprightly humour. Rotates the arms and clasps the hands over the head.Nux Vom
Spinal chorea with unsteady gait and dragging of the feet. Constipation.Causticum
When right side is more affected than the left, the muscles of the face, tongue, arms and legs are all involved. Words are jerked out when talking. Patient continually changes position until he falls asleep exhausted. Childern who have learnt to walk fall easily, clumsy in their gait.Mygale
For uncomplicated cases of chorea. The legs are in motion while sitting or dragged while attempting to walk.Agaricus Mus
Cerebral chorea with twitchings and spasmi of the eye-balls and eye-lids. Spasmodic motions of the extremities which run diagonally, i.e. it affects upper part of one side and the lower part of the other.Tarentuala His
Chronic movement of right leg and right arm which continue even at night and are brought on by fright, grief, etc. Restlessness with sensitiveness of spine and trembling. The patient can run better than he can walk. Diversion of mind, especially music relieves.Zincum Met
Constant motion of feet which may continue during night, especially when brought on by suppression of eruptions or by fright.Actea Racemosa
For spinal irritation with rheumatism mostly in females at the time of puberty and the menopause. Going crazy, talkative. Frequently changing from one subject to another. Jerking of the muscles when in a state of emotion or from becoming chilled. Jerking of the side lain on or of the parts pressed. Numbness or jerking of the muscles.Thaspium
Chorea, hysteria, epilepsy. Suicidal; depressed, laughing and weeping moods alternate.Ferrum Ars
Chorea due to anaemia (loss of blood).Rhododendron
Chorea of left leg, arm and face, worse at the approach of storm.Avena Sat
Nerve tremors of the aged; numbness of limbs as if paralysed.Viscum Alb
An excellent remedy for chorea with vertigo.Hyoscyamns
Limbs cold, trembling and numbed. Convulsive movements and shaking; eyes prominent, cries, grinding of teeth. Symptoms manifest after eating or drinking.I.aurocerasus
Constant jerking; twitching cannot keep still. Peculiar sensations are gasping; coolness of forehead, weight on top of head; extremely nervous.Arsenicum Alb
Trembling of limbs, chiefly the arms. Trembing of limbs in drunkard. Sensation of torpor in limbs as if dead. Emaciation.
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