(Inflammation of the spinal cord). (See also "PARALYSIS")
When the upper part of the cord is invovled. Shooting, stabbing pains in the cord; twitching of the muscles as if touched by an electric spark, high fever.Bryonia
In stitching, tearing pains in the cord worse by motion; stiffness and numbness of the muscles.Arnica M
Pain and inflammation of the spinal cord when due to an injury or blow on the spine. Pain from least movement; extreme sensitiveness to touch, fear of attempting to stand or walk.Plumbum
Much pain in spine, pyrexia, convulsions.Oxalic acid
Lower limbs stiff and pain.Cicuta Virosa
Severe convulsions when the patient screams.Cuprum Ars
Cramps relieved by pushing against the foot; numb and paralyzed feeling of the leg; frequent urging to urinate.Strychnia Phos
Myelitis accompanied with fatty degeneration of the heart after break in compensation.Alumina Silicate
Congestion of the brain and cord and spinal nerves with marked burning and stinging pain.
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