Barber's Itch

(See also "HERPES")

Lithium Carb

Scabby, tettery eruptions on cheeks preceded by red raw skin. Give in 200 dilution, if 30 dilution fails.


Skin dry, sensitive, rough and cracked ; cracks bleed easily.

Sulphur Iod

Papular eruptions on face. Hair feels as if erect.


Ring-shaped lesions, offensive odour from affected parts. Stinging in skin.

Rhus Tox

Is an excellent remedy for barber's itch. It should be tried first before resorting to any other remedy.


When there are cracks with oozing. Re-appear after suppression.


Scaly, yellow at base and bleeding at corners of the mouth.


Dry itching, worse on nose and about the eyes.


Itching eczema-type with sticky discharge.

Cicuta Vir

Barber's itch due to shaving.