Eruptions (Itching, hives, uticaria and pruritus)

(See also "ECZEMA")

Calcarea Carb

Nettle rash or urticaria when it disappears on slightest exposure to fresh air.

Rhus Tox

Nettle rash or urticaria on hairy parts. Eruptions on palms of hands which do not appear in the same place after healing. When itches accompany ague and rheumatism. Large blebs. Eruptions on genitals, male or female.


Rashes large in size like oedematous swelling.


Itching eruptions during menses. Moist eruptions in right groin during menses.


Eruptions on the scalp, on the face, behind the ears, in patches with the hair off. Oozing of watery or yellowish fluid. Eczema of the infants.

Natrum Carb

Eruptions upon the finger tips and finger joints; also the toes; vesicular eruptions open up and form ulcers.

Carduus M

Patch of eruptions on the skin which covers the lower part of the sternum due to bad liver and heart. Sternal patch.


Syphilitic erosions exuding badly smelling ichose, red eruptions which change to coppery.


Scaly eruptions which disappear in summer and return in winter. Eruptions in bends of elbows and knees. Violent itching worse by warmth of bed or by scratching. Eruptions or urticaria disappear in summer and reappear in winter.

Kali Mur

Eruptions, pustules and pimples with whitish discharge and white tongue.


Itching in the folds of the skin and about the joints particularly the ankle joints.


Eruptions all over the body. Pustular eruptions about the knees. Itching eruptions relieved by gentle rubbing. Worse at night.


Sulph. Eruptions; crusts; eczema, itching on the scalp; moist scaly pimple, sore and painful. Erysipelas of the scalp.

Ailanthus Glandulosa

Rash coming out in patches, and slow in appearing, purple appearance of the skin.

Agaricus M

Itching of the hairy scalp, especially in the morning. Icy coldness of the parts after scratching.


Scabies, prurigo, chronic herpes, cracks and ulceration of nostrils. Better during the full moon.


Irritation worse from heat and undressing and better hanging feet out of bed.


Itching with all the symptoms of Sulphur but the patient is touchy and irritable; likes sympathy. Hives of gastric or uterine origin.

Croton Tig

Vesicular eruptions with intense itching and burning and multitude of small vesicles in close contact. By suppression, cough of a dry hacking and unceasing character appears. Eruptions and itching about the eyes, scalp and specially genitals, scrotum and penis. Desire for scratching but cannot scratch hardly as the parts are very sensitive.


Itching without eruptions, worse by scratching and at night.

Lobelia Infl

Eruptions between fingers, dorsa of hands, forearms, consisting of small vesicles.


Violent itching of the sclap as from lice. Smarting after scratching. Eruptions offensive smelling.


Urticaria brought on by eating meat.


Eruptions and itching on the palms of hands. They appear again in the same place after they look healed up


Suppression of eruptions which cause paralysis, headaches and nervous pains.


Eruptions and itching. Itching of skin even without eruptions and he scratches till it bleeds. Crusts are produced by scratching. There is no eruption in the beginning and as he scratches skin comes off and then crusts are formed. Itching worse at the time of healing. It is only relieved when the skin is raw, moist or bleeding. Itching in warmth of bed.

Apis Mel

Rashes appear suddenly on the surface of the body, long pinkish white blotches, raised above the skin with intolerable itching, burning and stinging. Eruptions may come on as a result of cold or during intermittent fever.


Itching of the skin all over the body with or without eruptions, worse at night in the warm bed. Herpes and eczema oozing a glutinous moisture.

Arsenic Alb

Similar to Apis, but the welts are smaller than in Apis. Especially indicated when the disease is produced by eating fish. (Also try Terebinth and Copaiva when urticaria is due to eating shell fish).


Eruptions over the body producing vesicles, crusts etc. with soreness and itching. Eruptions on the scalp with itching which in not relieved by scratching.

Kali Brom

When hives occur with nervous disease.

Hura B

Itching, pimples on projecting portions of bones, molar bones etc. Throbbing in finger tips.


Irritalion of outer surface of the body. Nervous feeling, biting, tingling, changing from place to place on scratching. Parts become cold after scratching. Head covered with a thick leather like crust under which thick white pus collects here and there and the hair are glued together.


Intensely red rash on skin, resembling scarlet ever with more shining appearance. Redness of skin.

Ranunculus B

Blister like eruptions on the palms of hands, of bluish or black colour.

Barium Sulph

Itching of the scalp.

Anacardium Or

Dermatitis with intense burning and itching which is increased on scratching.


Herpetic eruptions at tip of nose.


Copper coloured spots.


Hives attended with diarrhoea; the stools being followed by tenesmus and bearing down.


Hives worse in open air. Epithelioma (cancer or tumors) of lips, wings of nose and eye lids.


Intense redness of the skin with intense itching. Pityriasis Rubra.


Worse in open air, especially when undressing.

Vinca Minor

Eruptions on the scalp and face and behind the ears; offensive smelling. It develops a crust which allows the discharge to remain beneath and get decomposed; the hair falls out and is replaced by grey hair.


For impetigo and eruption when other remedies fail. Lesions with yellowish crusts which later become black with bleeding from underneath.

Pix Liq

Eruptions on the back of the hand which itch intolerably at night and bleed when scratched.

Baryata Carb

Dry eruptions on the scalp of children. Moist crusts upon the scalp. Falling off of the hair. Children are dwarfish with intellectual defect.

Astacus El

Chronic form of urticaria. Nettle rash on whole body with itching. Worse uncovering.


Eruptions and itching worse by scratching until burning comes and then bleeding which relieves. Skin of hands rough, cracked, tip of fingers rough and cracked every winter. Small vesicles on male or female genitalia.