Ulcers which do not heal quickly. Promotes healing of indolent ulcers. Better by hot dressing. Granulations difficult, proud flesh.Acid Flour
Ulcers relieved by cold dressing.Hepar Sulph
An excellent remedy for curing ulcers.Gunpowder
Ulcers commencing around the ankles and extending to the knees, exuding foul pus; less swollen, red and shiny.Aranea Diad
Gangrenous ulcers. When Calcarea and Silicea aggravated, Ars. Alb. only partially relieved, Arauea Diad. completely cured; patient being chilly and worst on alternate days.Hydrastis Can
Deep eating spreading ulcers upon the skin or mucus membranes with burning and thick, viscid, yellow pus.Comocladia Dentata
Ulcers with hard edges, erysipelas of malignant nature, great swelling; intense itching.Carbo Veg
Ulcers in folds of skin. Indolent ulcers which continue bleeding passivly. Ichorous, acrid and thin discharge.Sulphur
Ulcers with violent scratching.Staphisagria
Skin readily ulcerates in rickety children.Nux Mosch
Ulceration in hysterical patients.Nat Carb
For ulcers on heels, after walking.Cistus can
Indolent and gangrenous ulcers. Deep seated, eating ulcers about ankle and shin with copious acrid discharges, worse from bathing, sensitive to open air, better by warmth.Kali Sulph
Multiple ulcers. Patient feels better in open air.Crocus
Old cicatrised wounds which open again and again and suppurate.Phosphorus
Wounds which appear to have been healed, break out again and again and bleed. Desquamation of skin. Burning in the skin.Paeonia
For ulcers caused by biting of shoes.Tarentula Cub
Malignant gangrenous ulcers. Also for carbuncles and boils. It stops recurrence of suppuration when Silicea fails.Condurango
Ulcers with foul smell, ichorous, obstinate and old ulcers. Proud flesh.Opium
Ulcers which are perfectly painless, which do not granulate and do not heal or spread. Insensibity of parts which are in a high grade of inflammation.Sanicula
Ulceration between toes.
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