Agaricas Mus
Is the head remedy. Chilblains more painful during cold weather. Itching. Head remedy for frostbite.Psorinum
Skin rough, chaps easily—becomes thick and scaly; cracks break out in little scaly eruptions; dingy, dirty and foul look as if covered with dirt.Petroleum
Cracks on skin about the ends of fingers and on the back of the hands—skin rough, ragged, cracks and bleeds, the tissues are hardened. Chilblains broken. Patient is irritable and easily offended. Itching chilblains and chapped hands.Rhus Ven
It is a remedy for itching burning chilblains. The mother tincture applied locally will give immediate relief and cure.Rhus Tox
In inflamed chilblains.Hepar Sulph
In chilblains when the suppuration is threatend.Cistus Can
Cracks on hard surface especially of workmen due to hard manual labour.Sulphur
It is useful in persons with irritable skin.Pulsatilla
In girls with delayed and scanty menstruation. Better in open air, worse in heat; thirstlessness; dislikes fats. Chilblains that turn blue or bluish-red.Crotalus
Threatened gangrene, chronic; but occurring in not very hot weather, due to low vitality.Tamus
Chilblains and chapped hands.Acid Nit
Chilblains in toes, foot-sweat causing soreness in toes; patient loves fatty and saltish things.
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