It is the head remedy for ringworm and should be given in 200 potency. It should be repeated only once a week. If there is no improvement in two or three weeks, the following remedies should be used.Sepia
This remedy should be tried next if there "are no other symptoms which would point to another remedy.Calcarea Carb
Should be thought of in cold, pale, plethoric persons, moist hands and feet.Sulphur
When the ringworm is accompanied with acidity, indigestion, retching, loss of appetite and restlessness.Apis Mel
Ringworm with itching and burning and better by cold application. Give one dose of 200 or 1000 dilution.Tellurium
Ringworm especially of the face and body. The odour of the body and sweat is offensive and garlic-like.
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