(see also "ANGER")
Staphisagria 200
The least words that seem wrong cause anger and indignation. Impulse to throw things at persons who had caused a triflingimaginary irritation.Cocculus Indica
Least disturbance causes annoyance.Arsenicum Album
Caused by noise or light.Conium
Trifling matters cause annoyance.Tuberculinum 200
Difficult and bad tempered child. Kicks off clothes and is rude to otherchildren without any reason.Never a smile on the face. Terrible storm of temper. Violent rage and louduncontrolled weeping Giveone dose a week for about two months and repeat longer, if necessary.Phosphorus 200
Wild temper.Rages a storm of teinpsr,. physically as well as mentally. Would fight with children and teachers inschool. Unmanageable child. When angry, would lock himself into a lavatory. Easily frightened.Trembles and shakes with fear. Frightened of darkness. Constitution thin andslim; fair complexioned.Aesculus
Loses temper quickly but regains is slowly.
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