Extreme nervousness, afaid of his own shadow. Awakes all night with lascivious thoughts, apprehen-sions, especially before going to sleep. Afraid of the future. Foolish boldness. Startled by the slamming of a door or the rattling of a newspaper.Iodium
Extreme nervousness. Throws away articles and breaks them. Wants to beat persons without reason. Forgetfulness, weakness and irritability.Acid Phos
Nervous debility due to continued grief, over-exertion of the brain, sexual excesses or any nervous strain on the body or mind.Castoreum
Nervousness and irritability after typhoid fever, nervous attacks preceding undeveloped hysteria. Twichings of muscles with extreme exhaustion.Apis M
Nervousness in girls with restlessness, excitability, ill-timed laughter together with fickleness at work. Awkward, dropping things and then laughing.Kali Phos
Is an excellent and head remedy for nervousness.Lac Can
Oversensitive. For example a patient lies in bed for days with the fingers separated would go wild if they touched each other.Natrum Carb
Perturbed from least noise, the slam of door; nervous excitement and palpitation with great prostration. The rattling of paper causes palpitation, irritability. Music causes tendency to suicide.Coffea
Nervous excitement, sleeplessness, weeping delirium, neuralgia, twitching of muscles, toothache, faceache, red face and hot head, specially due to joy or pleasant surprise or when the patient has been labouring for some great cause.Colocynthis
Irritation and nervous exhaustion due to business affairs having gone wrong or in a woman watching her husband day and night to keep him away from other women.Conium
Nervousness in widows and widowers who have suddenly been deprived of their sexual relations. Weakness of body and mind, cannot concentrate. Trembling, jerking and twitching of the muscles. Nervous, broken down condition, tired of life.Kali Iod
Nervousness and mental exhaustion; worse when resting and by constant movement and walking. Harsh, cruel and irritable.Crotalus Hor
Nervousness, trembling, tremulous, weakness. Sudden and great prostration of vital forces. TalkativenessAurum Met
Dejected and full of grief. Dissatisfied with everything. Melancholy, imagines he is not fit for this world; longs for death which gives him joy. Quarrelsome, peevish, vehement, cannot stand the least contradiction.Camphor
A medicine of extremes. At first extreme violence, excitement and frenzy and later irritability disappears and there is loss of sensation with unconsciousness and coldness. Prostration and exhaustion.Nux Vomica
Quarrelsome. Disposed to scolding even to violence. Cannot bear strong odours, bright light, any noise or speaking. Irresolute.Cocculus
Brightened Io6k. Little concern for his own health; Very anxious about others' sickness. Extreme irritability of the nervous system. The least noise or jar is unbearable, limbs straightened out and held there for a while are painful when flexed. Activities of the mind and body slow producing paralytic weakness.Theridion
Highly sensitive nervous condition with weakness, trembling, coldness, anxiety, faintness and easily excited, cold sweat. Extreme sensitiveness and morose, worse closing eyes.Gelsemium
Complaints from fear, shock and embarrassment. A soldier going into battle gets involuntary stools. Involuntary discharge from fright and surprises accompanying fright.Argentum Nit
Sudden attack of diarrhoea when preparing for meeting a friend or a stranger or when dressing for an opera; all this is due to nervous excitement.Kreosote
Mentally very irritable, wants numerous things but refuses when offered. There is nothing that will suit him and nothing satisfies him.
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