Violent impulses in hot patients who always want cool air and bath in cold water. An impulse to beat somebody without rhyme or reason. Impluse to kill himself without any cause, but he resists it. Uncontrollable and sudden impulse to kill or destroy something. Impulse to run away.Aurum Met
To commit suicide by throwing himself from a height or from a window. Thoughts of suicide. Impulse to jump.Nnx Vomica
Wants to commit suicide but lacks courage. Impulse to throw her child into fire.Arsenic Alb
Impulse in a barber, who is a cold patient and desires to be in a warm room, to kill his customer with razor when shaving.Argentum Nit
Impulse to juinp into the river or out of a window.Lyssin
Impulse to stab his flesh with knife he holds.Ustilago M
Impulse to commit suicide particularly by drowning.Alumina
When he sees sharp instrument or blood, impulses rise within to kill himself.Platinum
Inspiration to kill her child; irresistible impulse to kill her husband whom she loves passionately and with whom she is perfectly happy.Staphisagria
Impulse to throw things on some body who has caused even a trifling and imaginary irritation.Hepar Sul
Impulse to be violent and commit murder without being offended and without cause. The modality of this remedy and that of Ars. Alb. should not be overlooked. Both are chilly and are sensitive to cold; they want warmth and heat, whereas lodium patient is hot and wants to be in cold atmosphere.Mercurius Sol
Desire to kill persons contradicting her. Impulse to kill or commit suicide or violent things. Fear of losing reason in order to carry out impulses.
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