Kali Br
After seminal emissions; with painful delusions, sleeplessness and dread of impending destruction of all near him; with fear and anxiety. Delusion and feeling of moral deficiency.Aurum Met
Depression so great as to drive the victim towards suicide.Nux Vom
After seminal emissions.Ariibra Grisea
Depression of spirits alternating with vehemence of temper due to old age.Artemisia
V. Depression a day before an attack of epilepsy.Helleborus
After scarlet fever.Crotalus.
Depression with debility, faintness and aching in left iliac region.Cadmium Sulph
Depression with state of resentment, hopelessness, lack of grit. Use 200 dilution.Zincum Met
For depression with skin affection; should be given twice daily.Nitric Acid
In the evening.Cannabis Sat
In the forenoon.Phosphorus
From belief that he has an incurable heart.Gelsemium
From heat; due to impotence.Natrum Mur
With canine hunger.Caladium
From impotence.Digitalis
With palpitation.Coca
By overwork and excesses.Phytolacca
In rheumatism; in syphilis.Agnus Cast
General debility and depression of vital powers. Great sadness with a fixed idea of approaching death.Murex
When leucorrhoea is better.Acid Phos
Depression which takes the form of extreme indifference, listlessness, apathetic, etc.Ammonia Carb
Depression of spirits. She weeps much, has fainting fits, anxiety, uneasiness and exhaustion from motion. Dyspnoea due to weakness.
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