Desire (Craving)
(See also "EATS")
Wants to drink liquor all the time, morning till evening. Child eats discharges from the nose. Longing for brandy in pregnant women.Phosphorus
Takes away desire for drinking liquor by removing irritation of stomach which causes abnormal appetite therefor.Plumbum
It has a peculiar symptom that an individual will steal money in order to buy liquor, but the moment prohibition is withdrawn, the desire for drinking liquor disappears.Acid Sulphuric
In order to take away craving for alcoholic drinks; a mixture of one part of Sulphuric Acid and three parts of alcohol may be prepared and given in doses often to fifteen drops three times daily for three to four weeks.Tarentula H
Desire for eating ashes especially during pregnancy, and in dysmenorrhoea. Desire for eating sand.Acid Nitric
Desire for eating chalk. Desire for fat, salt, lime and earth or plaster.Alumina
Craving for starch, uncooked rice, clialk, charcoal, tea and coffee ground, acid and indigestible things. It has aversion to potatoes, meat and beer.Cicuta Vir
Child puts coal into mouth, crunching swallowing with apparent relish. Wants to eat iaw potatoes. All this is due to the fact that he cannot distinguish between things fit or not fit to be eaten.Quercus
Takes away bad effects of alcohol, tobacco, tea etc.Strophanthus
Takes away craving for liquor. Give in mother tincture 5 to 10 drops a dose—twice daily.Passiflora In
andAvena Sat
Takes away craving for morphia and opium. Give in mother tincture 5 to 10 drops a dose.Phytolacca
Irresistible inclination to bite teeth and gums. Craving for smoked meat especially and other meat generally.Manganum
Desire for always lying down in bed. He feels better by rest and his troubles and anxiety are aggravated by movement.Hepar Sulphur
Great desire for vinegar and pickles.Hyoscyamus
Desire for work in insane persons.Caladium
Antidote for tobacco and takes away the craving for it. Loss of memory, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Everything is done in great haste It also cures cysts on the eyes with the above symptoms.Palladium
Desire to be flattered.Lediim P
It takes away the craving for whisky.Kali Bi
Longing for beer and for acid drinks.Medorrhinum
Craving for salt, sweets, green fruit, ice, sour things, oranges.Mercurius
Desire to eat cow-dung and the mud of ponds.Sanicula
Irresistible desire to look behind.Sepia
Desire for wine, vinegar and sweets.Iodum
Desire for meat; for spirituous liquors.Thlaspi B
Desire for butter milk.Cyclamen
Craving for sardines.Crotalus H
Craves for snow.Stramonium
Violent desire to bite and tear things with his teeth. Great desire for acids. Better by vinegar.Magnesia Carb
Inordinate craving for meat in children of T.B. diathesis.Cistus Can
Craving for cheese with tendency to catch cold which would last for a long time, worse in winter. Love for acid food or fruits which cause pain and diarrhoea.Allium Cepa
Desire for raw onions.Conium
Likes to wear his best clothes, makes useless purchases, cares very little for things, wastes or ruins them.Calcarea Carb
Desire for eggs, eats lime, slate pencils, chalk, clay, raw potatoes, sweets, ice cream etc.Agaricus Emet
Sudden, violent longing for icy cold water during the worse attacks of anxiety which gives relief.Calcarea Phos
Craves bacon, ham, salted or smoked meats; much flatulence, cholera infantum.Argentum Nit
Desire for eating sugar and sweets which do not agree. Cannot take starch or egg etc. in any form without being sick.Selenium
Longing for spirituous liquors, with almost irresistible maniacal desire.Bufo
Desire for solitude in order to practise masturbation. Longs for solitude, yet dreads being alone.Lycopodium
Craves for sweet things, for hot drinks. Hates coffee and meat.Bryonia
Desire for something but he knows not what, You give a child one toy after the other but he will reject all.Lac. Fel
Great'desire to eat paper.Mezereum
Craving for fat, ham and for drinking milk.Natrum Sulph
Desire far ice and icy cold water.Antim Tart
Desire for acid and sour fruits which make * him sick. Stomach trouble from vinegar, sour things, sour wines and sour fruits.Veratrum Alb
Craving for eating his own stool and drinking his own unrine.Coca
Longing for alcoholic liquors and tobacco; for the accustomed stimulants.Arnica M
Longing for vinegar, especially in pregnant women.Nux Vom.
Longing for brandy. Try in the given order.Causticum
Young girls burning with the desire of marrying.Tabacum
Takes away craving for smoking. Give in 200 or 1000 dilution every week.Carbo Veg
Longing for coffee, acids, sweet and salty things. Aversion to digestible things and the best of food.Angustra Vera
Greatest craving for coffee.
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