Blepharitis (Inflammation of the eyelids)
Blepharitis marginalis. Loss of eyelashes.Chrysopharicum Acid
Blepharitis, Keratitis, Photophobia, etc. Internally use 30 dilution. Externally four grains with one ounce vaseline ointment to be applied.Morbillinum
When followed by measles or due to bad effects thereof.Graphites
Eruptions on lids which become red with margins covered with scales or crusts. Eye-lids red and swollen. Lids thickened. Tendency for the lids to crack and bleed.Mercurius Cor
Especially when due to syphilis. The lids are thick, red, swollen and ulcerated. Sensitive to heat, cold or touch. Worse open air or cold application. Aching and itching in the eye-balls.Hepar Sulph
In acute cases after the first stage has passed and the suppuration is about to set in or has already taken place. The lids are inflamed with throbbing pain which are sensitive to touch. Worse by cold and better by warmth.Alumina
Chronic granular lids; thickening of mucus, membranes; falling of eye-lashes, parts becoming entirely denuded of hair.Pulsatilla
Blepharitis resulting from high living and fatty food. There may be acne of the face. Tendency to the formation of styes. Discharge from the eyes profuse and bland.Staphisagria
Margins of the lids dry with hardened styes or tarsal tumors.Calcarea Carb
Blepharitis in unhealthy "pot-bellied" children of scrofulous diathesis who sweat much about the head. The lids are red and swollen.Calcarea Iod
In blepharitis with enlargement of the glands especially of the tonsils.Rhus Tox
Swelling of the lids accompanied by profuse lachrymation.Mezereum
Eczema of the lids and head, characterized by thick hard crusts.Conium
Lids indurated, thick and heavy. Epithelioma (Cancer) of ihe lids and of nose and cheeks.
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