Vision Illusion
Red spots before eyes.Ruta
Candle light seems surrounded by red halo.Thuja
Floating stripes before the eyes.Atropin
Shadows passing over whatever is looked at. Also cures illusion of vision. Everything appears large.Cyclamen
Fiery flames and glittering sparks before the eyes. Could not read owing to burning and flickering of eyes. Dim vision; objects seem through smoke and mist. Diplopia.Ammonium Carb
Yellow spots before the eyes.Sulphur
Black spots floating before the eyes. Near objects seem at a long distance.Phosphorus
A sea of fire on closing the eyes. Letters appear red when reading. Black spots pass before the eyes, Halo round the candle. Black reflections or sparks before the eyes.Belladonna
Flames before the eyes. Flashes before the eyes. Objects appear elongated and/or inverted. Objects look red.Cedron
Objects seem red at night and yellow by day.Stramonium
Sees things red instead of black. Objects seem too small. Objects look black, crooked and oblique,Ailanthus
Flashes of light before the eyes on closing lids at night.Argentum Nit
Grey spots and bodies in the shape of serpents move before the eyes.Aurum Met
Double vision and objects seem to run into one another. Tensive pain when looking at things, less severe on closing the eyes.Nitric Acid
Black spots dancing before the eyes.Veratrum Vir
Immense green circles appear round the candle, which, as vertigo comes on, turn to red.Alumina
Yellow halo round the candle. Sees fiery spots, white stars. As if looking through a fog or feathers.Kali Bi:
Various colours and bright spots before the eyes. Objects seem to be covered with yellow veil.Mercurius
Black insects or flies seem to be always flying before the right eye. Mist before the eyes. Dimness of sight. Cannot bear light of the fire which dazzles.Sepia
Fiery sparks before the eyes. Flickery when looking at light. Black spots before the eyes. Fiery zigzags. Zigzag wreath of colours.Cina
Vision yellow.Graphites
Letters appear double when writing; they run together when reading.Medorrhinum
Flickering before the eyes. Blurred vision, black or brown spots before the eyes. Objects look double.
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