(See also "MYOPIA"and "BLINDNESS")
Blindness after typhoid, sexual excesses, loss of fluids; also for blindness after light-ning. Blindness due to paralysis of the optic nerve.Physostignia
Night blindness. Glaucoma and Myopia.Pilocarpus
Distant sight improved by this remedy. Eyes easily tired from slightest use. Heat and burning in the eyes. Lids twitch. Irritation from light eye strain.Ranunculus B
Day and night blindness in women during pregnancy.Cyclamen
Vision reduced by suppression of itches. Cloudiness or veil before the eyes. Smoke or fog before the eyes. Right half of visual field defective.Iodium
Sudden loss of vision.Cocculus Ind
Dim-sightedness and disturbance of vision; paralytic weakness of the muscles of the eyes as well as of the muscles of accommodation.Bovista
Blindness due to paralysis of optic nerve.Ambra Grisea
Nervous dimness of vision coming on. without any apparent defect in the condition of the eye.Sulphur
Cloudiness or veil before the eyes. Smoke or fog, worse in the morning on waking.Nutrum Mur.
andChin Sulph
Either half visible.Agaricus M
Shortsightedness; dimness of vision; indistinct vision; everything appears obscured. Jerking and twitchings of the eyes which is most marked. Sensation of a mist and cobweb before the eyes. Deception of colour and figures before the eyesGratiola
Vanishing of sight due to rush of blood to head.Mephites
Myopia, confusion of letters when reading. Inability to read small print.Lithium Carb
Right half not visible.Calcarea Carb
Left or right half not visible.Aurum Met
Lower or upper half not visible. Upper half covered by black body and lower half visible. Large letters cannot be distinguished. Yellow bodies floating before the eyes.Sepia
Dimness of vision after seminal emissions. Loss of sight with contracted pupils. Either half invisibleGraphites
Blindness due to general paralysis. Flickering and fiery zig zags outside the field of vision.Lycopodium
Night blindness. Sees only one-half of an object. Eyes half open during sleep.China
Night blindneess in anaemic retina. Blue colour around eyes. Pressure in eyes.Bothrops Lanciolatus
Day blindness. Blindness from haemorrhages into retina. Can hardly see his way after sun-rise.Acconite Nap
Sudden attacks of blindness due to congestion. This should be tried in early stages.Causticm
Sudden and frequent loss of sight as from a pellicle drawn over the eyes. Dimness of vision as of fog or veil before the eyes.Gelseminum
Is indicated in sudden and total" blindness with giddiness; the eyes heavy and sight dim. Loss of sight on account of masturbation. Upper half of visual field defective.Lachnanthes
When sight is obscured by looking at anything steadily; when grey fixed rings are seen; the eyes are brilliant, and the pupils enlarged, with red cheeks.Mercurius
Momentary paroxysm of blindness. Eyes very sensitive to light or the glare of a fire.Cicuta Virosa
Frequent vanishing of sight as if from absence of mind with great giddiness particularly when walking; when reading the letters appear to and fro irregularly.Titanium
Half the object only can be seen at the beginning. Catarrhal tendeney. Impotency with early discharge in coition.Pulsatilla
Sensation as if the dimness of sight could be removed; lachrymation : the pupils are contracted.Silicea
May be indicated in cases of long standing; or where the medicines apparently indicated have failed to produce permanent good effect.Alumina Silicate
Vision dim, worse at night by artificial light and by exertion of vision; foggy; weak.Duboisia
Eyes feel cool and tired. Things seemed elevated. Faces repeated in all directions. Hallucinations of vision. Finds a chair waiting for him when there is none; imagines it is dark when it is quite bright; grasps in the air above his head for his watch which had been taken from him. Cannot make out print within two feet; it shows several colours, blue, orange and reddish brown. Hyperaemia of optic nerve; optic nerve paralysed. Arteries diminished.Cina
As if looking through gauge, ameliorated by wiping the eye.Veratrum Vir
Loss of sight on account of congestion or irritation of the optic nerve. Green circles appear round the candle which turn red, if vertigo comes on.Ruta
Eyes easily fatigued when reading. Dimness of vision due to too much reading. Feeling of burning and heat in the eyes when reading. Pain in the eyeballs when reading. Vision blurred after reading or after straining over fine work.Medorrhinum
Flickering before the eyes. Blurred vision and black or brown spots in the field of vision. Objects look double or small. Sensation of sand or sticks in the eyes.Conium
Vision remains steady even on minutest objects so long as the eyes remain fixed thereon, but all becomes haze and confused on directing the eyes to another object until they are again fixed on the second object. The moving of the eyes causes giddiness and confusion until securely fixed. Lines seem to move when reading; objects appear red.Cuprum Met
Blindness due to suppression of discharges or eruptions. It may accompany convulsions.Ferrum Met
Capability to see things in the dark at night.Carboneum Sulph
Everything seemed in a fog as if spider's web over objects; green or red. Blindness of right eye and great impairment of vision of the left eye. Atrophy of optic nerve.Acid Phos
Myopia. Black bands before the eyes; ciphers; sees objecls lying near him moving.Note:
— In addition to the above internal medicines, the following eye exercises are recommendd for the improvement of eyesight.
(i) opening and shutting the eyes under cold water after the day's toilet.
(ii) deliberate blinking at any time of the day, especialy after prolonged strain.
(iii) gentle squeezing of the eyes under the lids at the close of the day.
(iv) a steady rolling of the eyes in their sockets.
These are a few elementary eye culture methods which together with an occasional "Euphrasia douche" will preserve your eyes from youth to old age and may be instrumental in dispensing with your glasses.
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