Head remedy for glaucoma. If it fails, try Lycopodium and Silicea.Spigelia
Caused by severe headache on the left side,Prunus Spinosa
It should be tried when Spigelia fails.Hepar Sul.
Granular lids. Try in the given order.Borax
Granular lids, when lashes turn inwards towards the eyes and inflame it. Thickening of the mucus membrane of the lids. Lower lids entirely inverted. Difficulty is opening of the lids.Pulsatilla
Is also a good remedy for inward turning of lashes, when Borax fails.Gelsemium
Specific for glaucoma when headache commences from the nape of the neck.Osmium
In glaucoma when patient sees rainbow colours, with severe pain above or under the eye with lachry-mation; green halo around light; increased intraocular pressure; photophobia. Vision weak. Sharp severe pain through the eyes and head.Sulphur
As an intercurrent remedy when well-selected remedies fail. Burning at the pit of the stomach.Colocynth
For glaucoma with sciatica pain and flatulence.
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