Retina and Optic Nerve
Diseases of —Duboisia
Hyperaemia of the retina. Inflammation of the retina. Retinal vessels large and tortuous, especially the veins. Optic papilla swollen. Haemorrhages in the retina. Pain through the upper part of the eye-ball.Phosphorus
Retinal hyperaemia. Eyes sensitive to light and vision improved in twilight; halo around the light. Inflammation of the retina.Pulsatilla
Hyperaemia and inflammation of the optic nerve and retina accompanied by severe pain in the head which is relieved in the open air.Bryonia
Serious retinitis or hyperaemia with a bluish haze before the vision and severe sharp pain through the eye and over it. Worse on motion.Mercurius Cor
Retinitis with marked aggravation at night. Sensitive to glare of the fire. Head remedy for albuminuric retinitis. The fatty degeneration, extravasation of blood from the weakened vessels and all pathological changes in the eye as well as in the kidney are covered by this remedy.Agaricus M
An excellent remedy for atrophy of optic nerve. Give six times daily for a considerable period.Apis Mel
Albuminuric retinitis with swelling of the lids and general dropsical condition. Patient is drowsy, with little thirst and scanty urine. Fluid beneath the retina. Pain in the lower part of the eye-ball with flushed face. Stinging pain in the eyes with swollen lids. Detachment of retina.Arsenic Alb
Albuminuric retinitis when the patient is restless, especially after midnight with thirst for small quantities of water. Urine scanty and albuminous.Gelsemium
Albuminuric retinitis occuring during pregnancy. White patches and extravasation of blood in the retina. Dimness of vision appears suddenly. Detachment of retina due to injury or myopia. Give in 200 dilution every week and after 2 months increase the potency to 1000 to be repeated every fortnight.Lachesis
Head remedy for haemorrhages into the retina. With its use the haemorrhage disappears speedily along with the inflammation. Inflammation and congestion of optic nerve and retina.Crotalus
This remedy absorbs quickly extravasation of blood in the retina in snake poisoning. It also cures inflammation of the retina.Belladonna
Apoplexy of the retina, especially when arising from and accompanied by congestive headache. Aching pain in the eyes and the retina. Optic neuritis with inflammation. Photophobia. Throbbing pain.Aurum Met
Detachment of retina. Upper half of vision covered by black body, and lower half visible. The retina is inflamed and there are opacities. Pain and soreness in the head and around the eyes.China
andFerrum Phos
Anaemia of the retina causing loss of eye-sight.Conium
Over-sensitiveness of the retina to light, especially if accompanied with asthenopic symptoms with pain deep in the eye.Arnica M
Detachment of retina due to injury. Retinal haemorrhage.Napthalin
Detachment of retina; soft cataract. Exudation in the retina, choroid and ciliary body. Opacity of cornea. Retinal infiltration; deposits on the retina.Natrum Salicylicum
Retinal haemorrhage, albuminuric retinitis with haemorrhage.
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