Choroiditis (Inflammation of the choroid)
Sulphur Iod.
Cataract with tongue hard, stiff like a cardboard.Aurum Met
Pressive pain in the eye from above downward or from without inward, or pain in the bones around the eye, worse on touch and sensitive to light.Kali Iod
The best general remedy for syphilitic choroiditis of any form, especially where haziness or opacities of the viterous are present.Mercurius Cor
Intense pain both in and around the eye. Choroiditis when the iris is also involved.Phosphorus
When accompanied with photophobia and the things look of various shapes and colours (red predominating). Black spots pass before the eyes.Prunus Spin
Severe pain as if the eye-balls were being pressed asunder. Sharp, shooting crushing and cutting pain through the eye and corresponding side of the head,Hepar Sulph
After suppuration of choroid has begun. Eyes sensitive to touch and pains severe and throbbing, better by warm application.Phytolacca
Lids very hard, red swollen with pus in the interior of the eye.Duboisia
Vessels of the optic disc and retina much enlarged and tortuous. Congestion of the optic disc.Tuberculinum
Used as an intercurrent remedy when well selected remedies fail. Give only one dose in 200 or higher dilution.
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