

Should start treatment with this remedy and it should be repeated every fortnight in 200 dilution along with other indicated remedies. No other remedy should be given on the day of its administration and for two days before and afier.

Agraphis Nutans

An excellent remedy for adenoids. It may be given in 3X potency.

Calcarea Carb

In pale, fat children, cold (clammy) feet, head perspiring at night.

Calcarea Phos

In thin and weak children, pale face. It is highly recommended by the profession. Child is peevish and obstinate. Sneezing without coryza.

Calcarea Iod

May also prove useful in certain cases.

Merc. Iod

Is another remedy which should be remembered in the treatment of adenoids.

Hydrastis Can

Specific for adenoids. Mucus membrane is yellow and there is excessive enlargement.

Baryta Iodide

Very useful remedy for adenoids if the child is mentally weak.

Cistus Can

Scrofulous swelling and suppuration of glands of throat. Burning high up behind uvula. Must swallow saliva to reJieve dryncss.