(See also "DYSPNOEA"and "SORE")
When something seems to rise as if she would suffocate.Spigelia
Caused by copious mucus from posterior nares.Lachesis
As if some one grasped him, causing suffocation. Worse waking in the morning. Spasmodic. On swallowing warm fluid. Suffocating on swallowing warm tea or warm drinks.Cactus
Choking with heart trouble.Mephites
Choking while eating and drinking.Acid Nitric
A morsel sticks in pharynx when eating as if pharynx is constricted. Choking. Swallowing very difficult; distorts face and draws head down. Cicuta Vir. After swallowing a sharp piece of bone, or other injuries to the pharynx, the throat closes and there is danger of suffocation and choking.Magaesia Phos
Spasmodic constriction of throat with sensation of choking; Enlargement of tonsils at first and then comes redness of the roof; dryness and difficult swallowing.Medorrhinum
Spasms of the glottis with clucking in the larynx; air expelled with difficulty but inhaled with ease.Eromine
Spasms or constriction of glottis.
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