Smell (Diminished or Lost)


Sense of smell diminished, fluent coryza. Point of nose cracked, nostrils sore and red, worse by touch. Scabs with thick yellow mucus.

Aurum Met

Loss of smell due to deformity in the nose on account of latent syphilis, chronic catarrh, etc.

Argentum Nit

Smell diminished in typhoid fever.


Diminishing of smell with dryness of nose.

Merc. Cor

Impairment of smell with sore throat.


Loss of smell on account of catarrh.

Natrum Mur

This should be tried if Pulsatilla fails in thick mucus.

Cup Met

In catarrh of frontal sinuses.


In chronic inflammation of nasal membrane. In ozena.


Sinusitis with bad smelling greenish discharge from nose. Loss of smell and allergic rhinitis (cold).

Benzoic acid

Sense of smell diminished. Perversion of smell. Highly concentrated urine with offensive smell.

Kali Iodatum

Loss of smell. Sensation as if worm crawling at root of nose.

Magnesia Mur

Loss of smell and taste following catarrh.