Thin discharge from the nose which is acrid. Throat dark red, grey deep with bluish tinge; membrane more marked on the left, affection going to the right. Swelling of glands about the neck; drowsiness, feebleness of pulse. Cold exteremities. Worse after sleep. Swallowing liquid or saliva very painful. Give in 200 dilution every two hours.Lac Caninum
Unlike Lachesis it changes sides starting on one side, frequently the left; the soreness and swelling suddenly shifts to the opposite side only to return in a few hours to the starting point. The membrane is greyish, yellow and curdy. If ulcers are formed, they show like silver glass; paralysis of the throat so that the fluids return by the nose when drinking.Belladonna
For inflammatory condition of the throat. Intense throbbing pain with headache and convulsions.Crotalus
When there is persistent epistaxis (bleeding from the nose). Blood coming from the nose and mouth escaping from mucus membranes of the buccal cavity.Naja
When the larynx is invaded. The patient grasps at the throat with a sensation of choking, fetid breath and short hoarse cough with raw feeling at larynx or upper part of the trachea.Lycopodium
Aggravation from 4 to 8p.m. The right side is mostly affected. The child awakes from sleep frightened or cross and angry. Fan-like motion alae nasi is its red line symptom. Feeling of contraction in throat, nothing goes down; food and drink regurgitate through the nose.Apis
When there is oedema of the throat, with stinging pains, or it may be violent or may he painless, aggravation from heat. Blisters on the border of the tongue. Drowsiness and dullness. Enlarged uvula. Puffy, glossy, bright red parts: Scanty urine, puffiness about eyes.Carbolic Acid
With high fever, great burning but no pain in. fauces which look fiery red and covered with diphtheric patches. Pulse extremely fast.Merc. Cyanatus
In very bad cases of malignancy. Diptheria with suddenness of the attack, extreme prostration and threatening collapse; small rapid and intermittent pulse. Membrane is greenish and spreads to the nose involving a large surface. Give one dose only of 1M or CM dilution.Bromium
When due to overheating or by wrapping the child in the summer or at night.Diptherinum
Should be used as an i ntercurrent remedy. It should be given in 200 potency. The treatment may start with this remedy. Bleeding from the nose with extreme weakness. Collapse almost at the beginning. Pulse weak, rapid and vital reaction very low. Swallows without pain but fluids are.vomited or returned by the nose. Breath and discharges very offensive.Phytolacca
When the pain shoots from throat into ears on swallowing; great pain at the root of tongue when swallowing; burning as from a coal or a fire or a red hot iron; dryness; difficult to swallow, with trembling of the hands, sensation of a lump in the throat; continuous desire to swallow. Dark red, blue or ash coloured membrane. Cannot drink hot fluids.Gelsemium
Excellent remedy for diphtheric paralysis, no matter where the trouble is localized. Paralysis, of the pharynx as a result of diphtheria;Arum Triph
Burning, smarting, rawness of the throat and mouth with acrid discharges from the nose which excoriate nostrils and upper lip.Cantharis
This is indicated where there is frequent urination with scalding before, during and after micturition; There is albumin, blood and/or casts in the urine.Kali Bich
Is indicated when the pains are sticking, intermittent, shifting from one locality to another and confined to small spots in each instance. Tongue coated thick like yellowish brown fur, uvula relaxed with sensation of plug in throat.Muriatic Acid
Diffused, deep redness of throat; uvula swoIIcd; tonsils and fauces swollen, unable to swallow, voice hoarse, submaxillary glands swollen, dark putrid blood from the nose; not much fever but great prostration.Nitric Acid
Eating and drinking practically impossible. Exudate covers uvula. Pricking as from splinter, piece of glass or hot wire. Salivation; fever; prostration and coughing. Strong smelling urine like that of horse's.
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