When fluids return through the nose while swallowing.Lycopodium
When food or drink regurgitates through the nose.Lac Can
Fluids return through the nose when drinking. Swallowing difficult, almost impossible and the pain shoots to ears.Nitric Acid
Swallowing very difficult. Distorts face and draws head down; cannot swallow even a teaspoonfull of fluid which causes violent pain extending to ears.Aconite N
Difficulty in swallowing so that in eating he has to press the back of neck with hand. Burning and pain in neck and parotid region.Rhus Tox
Difficulty in swallowing saliva. In smallpox; in scarlatina. Almost impossible in diphtheria.Stramonium
Swallowinjg difficult on account of violent spasms of the throat.Lachesis
Can swallow solids more easily than liquids. Warm fluids suffocate.Belladonna
Swallowing of fluids or solids becomes difficult on account of sore throat and they are forced intothe nose and sometimes out of the nose.
Swallowing difficult on account of muscles of throat, tongue, pharynx, oesophagus becoming stiff. Fluids come out through the nose or go down into the larynx.Gelsemium
Paresis of oesophagus causing loss of swallowing power.Causticum
Food goes down wrong way or enters larynx or posterior nares due to paralysis of pharynx and oesophagus.Cicuta Vir
Spasms of esophagus which prevent sawallow-ing power.
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