(Inflammation of the larynx or upper part of the wind pipe.)
(See also "CROUP")
Aconite N
When there is irritating hacking cough. Fever with restlessness and anxiety. Dry hot skin and hoarseness.Spongia
It should generally be administered six hours after Aconite or as soon as the breathing becomes shrill and there is a barking cough, hoarseness and aphonia, accompanied by pain in the upper part of the wind-pipe.Allium Cepa
Hoarse, harsh, ringing, spasmodic cough, excited by constant tickling in the larynx with a raw splitting pain. Severe laryngeal cough.Hepar SuIph
This should be thought of when the burning heat of skin continues even after the administration of Aconite. Croupy cough and hoarsenes, worse in morning.Lachesis
Throat sensitive, swallowing difficult, warm drinks aggravate. It is to be given when the above remedies fail.Kali Bi
Is indicated when there is thick, sticky and stringy expectoration.Causticum
When there is weakness of vocal muscles; hard cough, causing urging of urine.Phosphorus
In dry, irritable, pale and anaemic larynx. Hoarseness that remains after attack,Manganum
In dry hoarse cough.Chlorum
Is also useful, if given in 12 or 30 dilution.Selenium
andNat. Mur
In tubercular laryngitis.Sambucus Nigra
Accumulation of viscid mucus in larynx. Horseness. Suffocativc, hollow, deep cough with agitation and thirst. Sibilant wheezing.Carbo Veg
Tubercular or otherwise when cold begins in the nose and finally settles down in the chest and larynx.Sabal Serrulata
Laryngeal phthisis.Rumex
Irritating, incessantly tickling. Aggravated by hieathing cold air.
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