Croup (Non Diphtheric)
(See also "LARYNGITIS")
Aconite Nap
At the onset of the disease. Throat painfull with difficulty in swallowing. Husky, dry, deep, barking cough, high fever, restlessness, frightened, burning in throat and larynx. Desire for cold water which is difficult to swallow.Spongia
Hoarse croupy cough with laryngitis, cough sounds as sawing through a board.Kali Bich
Dyspnoea, hoarse rough cough, breathing sounds as if the air were passing though a metallic tube.Belladonna
When there is barking cough and face becomes red on coughing. Dry hot skin; full sharp pulse. Swollen red tonsils.Sanguinaria C
When there is burning and dryness in the larynx. Hoarse croupy cough with wheezing and whistling.Hepar Sulphur
For frequent attacks of croup and laryngitis due to exposure to cold wind. Hoarse, dry barking cough, whistling respiration. For rattling and choking cough, worse in the morning. The child chokes during coughing spell.Phosphorus
When hoarseness persists and the disease shows signs of relapse.Antim. Tart
Face cold, bluish, coverd with cold sweat, pulse slow, voice soundless; sawing respiration, rattling respiration as if air passages were full of mucus without expectoration.Sambucus
Severe attacks of croup coming on after midnight. Wheezing, crowing and suffocating cough.Lachesis
Ulceration of the throat, red, grey deep dusky. Empty swallowing far more difficult than swallowing of solids. Larynx painful to touch; great prostration.
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