

In acute cases with congestion and redness of the throat. Swallowing difficult. Dryness of the throat, tonsils swollen and enlarged. Right sided sore throat with pain extending to the right ear.


Sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat with a constant inclination to swallow, better by hot drinks.

Magnesia Carb

Ulceration of the throat at the time of menses. Swelling and ulceration shift from left to right or vice versa and disappear after menstruation.


Sore throat, tonsilitis, diphtheria better by swallowing solid food but finds difficult to swallow liquids; worse by hot drinks. Sensation of a Jump in the throat.

Cistus Can

Worse by inhaling cold air, cold breath. Thick yellow leathery phlegm cleared only by local means.

Merc, Biniod

When the affection starts from left side. Worse by empty swallowing or by swallowing food.

Kali Iod

Old ulcers deep in the throat destroying all the soft tissues, the uvula and the soft palate. (Syphilitic).


Sore throat with stiff neck.


When pain shoots to the ear; uvula elongated; membrane dark red or of ash colour. Worse by hot drinks. Right sided sore throat with pain extended to right ear. Swallowing difficult.


Sore throat with sensitiveness of the parts. Aggravation by heat.

Agaricus Mus

Spasms in the throat and emitting an involuntary peculiar sound of choking character.

Apis Mel

Loss of power of muscles in typhoid, or after diphtheria. From irritation of epiglottis. Stinging pain in throat with oedema.


In paralysis.

Hepar Sul

Sharp splinter-like pains in the throat. Sup­puration of tonsils, abscess.

Nux Vom

For irritated throat of smokers, drinkers and preachers; rawness and scraping in the throat due to smoking, drinking and preaching.


Feeling as if swallowing a bone, with rolling around. In parturition.


From constriction or spasmodic constriction of muscles. With convulsions. In dryness of throat. With pain in sub-maxillary glands. In meningitis. Should only utter a hoarse cracking sound alternated with soreness.


In diphtheria; in tonsilitis, in dryness of throat; obstruction every other day, starting from right;

Lobelia In

Something seems to rise from, the heart to meel food and obstruct its descent (cardialgia).


Fluids return through the nose in sore throat.

Kali Carb

Food remains halfway with gagging and vomiting (stricture of oesophagus).

Arum T

Sore-throat of actors, auctioneers, orators etc.

Baryta Carb

In chronic tonsilitis.


With constriclion, fullness or pressure in larynx.